Interactive catalog of STP STPA CR

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Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Technology park

Nad Ovčírnou 3685
760 01 Zlín
Tel.: +420 576 038 138

Park location on the map: here 70883521
Director: prof. Ing. Petr Sáha, CSc., dr. h. c. (
Deputy: Ing. Ivana Bartoníková,

  • Operating data of the park

    Membership in STPA: YES
    State of the park: accredited
    Partner in project SPINNET: NO
    Launch day: 1.3. 2008

    Founder(s): TBU in Zlín
    Owner(s): TBU in Zlín
    Operator(s): TBU in Zlín

    Type of entity: University
    Criteria for acceptance of innovation firm: Legal entity in the territory of the CZ with the subj. of R&D, plast., rubb., ener., cosmet., footwe

  • Description of the park


    The Science and Technology Park (STP) at TBU in Zlín provides a comprehensive infrastructure to support innovative business in the Zlín region and its surroundings.
    The development of STP activities and services is in accordance with the needs of the region and regional partners and contributes to ensuring the functional transfer of the results of applied research activities into practice.

    STP offers:
    Mediation of contacts to employees of TBU research centers with the possibility of implementing joint innovative, research and transfer projects
    • Use of the services of the Footwear Research Centre, including the Footwear Testing Laboratory with international accreditation according to ČSN EN ISO /IEC 17025:2018
    • Cooperation in the area of use of certified clean rooms of class „C“ and services of the Internal Auditor according to ČSN EN ISO 13485 ed 2:2016
    • Use of the services of the Technology Transfer Centre staff
    • Organization of conferences, seminars, workshop meetings and other events held by STP at TBU
    • Lease of office and laboratory space
    • Comprehensive services in the field of use of research and development outputs in practice and protection of intellectual property, including search, analysis and patent representation performed by specialists with a high participation of long-standing experience in the field of industrial property protection

    It offers luxury premises for rent – over-standard equipped offices and laboratories, technical and social facilities, meeting rooms for seminars and workshops with a total area of 5,821 square meters – to entrepreneurs, innovative companies and research and development workers.

    Services within STP are provided by internationally recognized researchers, experts in analysis, examination, measurement and testing of materials and products, as well as development and research of new technologies, solving problems with technologies and processing, etc.

    The Science and Technology Park was built in 2008, being supported by „Scientific and Technology Park and Technology Transfer Centre at the TBU of Zlín“ project. The project was financed by the European Fund for Regional Development the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Tomas Bata University in Zlín within the Operational Program Industry and Entrepreneurship, the PROSPERITA program.

    Description of technology transfer

    4.10.2023 opening of the Locomotor Diagnostics Laboratory

    Successful transfer projects 2020 – 2023:

    – LS 2020000160 – Bc. Michal Kandr
    Rights to use know-how „Design of a database of records from photo traps“ (dr. Lehejček J. and coll.)

    -LS 2020000229 – IVF Czech Republic s.r.o., Rights to use the methodology „Proposal of methodology for evaluation of embryonic solutions“ (dr. Vaculíková K. and coll.)

    -LS 2020001586 – The town of Uherské Hradiště, Rights to use know-how „Web application of the methodology of registration and evaluation of premises for improvised shelters and registration of permanent shelters“ (Dr. Rak and coll.)

    – LS 2020001248 –NEXPRO Communication, s.r.o., Rights to use the know-how „Concept of the recommendation algorithm“ (prof. Jašek and coll.)

    – LS 2021000531 – GALA a.s., Agreement concerning the transfer of rights to Community design No 008330757-0001 entitled „Volleyballs“ (Dr. Černeková and coll.)

    – LS 2021000777 – VUCHT a.s.
    Agreement on cooperation in research and use of the results of the project „Development of biodegradable surfactants for inorganic fillers“ (Dr. Pecha and coll.)

    -LS 2022000157 – Plastikářský klastr z.s
    Rights to use the technical solution according to the utility model of the Czech Republic No. 35694 entitled „Polymer mixture for the production of self-extinguishing micro-protectors of optical cable bundles“ (Dr. Matyáš and coll.)

    -LS 2022000158 – Plastikářský klastr z.s.
    Rights to use the technical solution according to utility model of the Czech Republic No. 35506 entitled „Building roof, covering and paving material for horizontal, inclined and vertical structures“ (Ing. Císař and coll.)

    -LS 2022000159 – Plastikářský klastr z.s.
    Rights to use the technical solution according to the utility model of the Czech Republic No. 35618 entitled „Porous composition based on a fully biodegradable polymer, especially for agricultural applications“ (Dr. Pummerová and coll.)

    – LS 2022000410 – Hlavní město Praha
    Rights to use know-how „Web platform for information support of municipalities“ (Dr. Svoboda and coll.)

    – LS 2022000948 – NETZSCH – GERÄTEBAU GMBH
    (multi-license within the partnership agreement)

    Rights to use the technical solution to the patents of the Czech Republic No. CZ 304382 entitled „Extrusion head with inert capillary with zero length“, CZ 305409 entitled „Extrusion head with inert flat slot with zero length“, CZ 307664 entitled „Extrusion head for transformation of normal stresses of the polymer melt“, CZ 309071 entitled „Extrusion head with an inert exit slot, especially for high exit speeds of polymer melts“ (prof. Zatloukal and coll.)

    – LS 2023000096 – HOST – publishing house, s.r.o. (publisher’s license agreement)
    Rights to publish the author’s work (book) entitled „Don’t forget your feet“ (Dr. Soukalová and coll.)

    – LS 2023000224 – Plastikářský klast z.s.
    Rights to use the technical solution to the utility model of the Czech Republic No. 36223 entitled „Biologically degradable polymer composition of a composite character“ (Dr. Domincová and coll.)

    – LS 2023000287 – Plastikářský klast z.s.
    Rights to use the technical solution to the patent of the Czech Republic No. 307276 entitled „Concentrate for antimicrobial stabilization of plastic surfaces created on the basis of an inorganic biologically active substance“ (Prof. Sedlařík and coll.)

    – LS 2023000800 – WAKEMASTER s.r.o.
    Rights to use the technical solution to the utility model of the Czech Republic No. 36767 entitled „Analyzer of accelerated material aging, especially mechanically and thermally stressed vulcanized rubber“ (doc. Stoček)

    – LS 2023001321 – CATHEDRAL Software, s.r.o.
    Rights to use the technical solution to utility model CR No. 37068 entitled „Terminal device for narrowband 5G networks with a universal interface“ (Dr. Dulík)

    – LS 2023002207 – KORTAN spol. s.r.o.
    Contract on the use of project results No. LTE219003 „FERTI-MAIZE – „Innovative foliar fertilizer for corn based on protein by-products“

    Rights to use the technical solution to utility model CR No. 36491 entitled „Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulating effect based on protein hydrolysate of mixed collagen waste“
    Rights to use the technical solution to utility model CR No. 36492 entitled „Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulating effect based on low-molar protein hydrolysate of mixed collagen wastes“ (Doc. Pecha and coll.)

    Rights to use the verified technology entitled „Technology of preparation of organic fertilizer with bio-stimulating effect from mixed collagen waste raw material“
    Rights to use the verified technology entitled „Technology of preparation of organic fertilizer from waste collagen raw material with a high proportion of low molecular fraction“

    – LS 2023002460 – Dino Toys s.r.o.
    Rights to use the author’s work – Created functional game system and graphic version of the family game „Don’t forget your feet“ protected by Community industrial design No. 015005226-0001 (Dr. Soukalová and coll.)

    The transfer of acquired knowledge from the field of basic research into practice is ensured within the TBU in Zlín through the Technology Transfer Centre (TTC),
    which was founded in 2008 as a specialized workplace for cooperation with the application sphere and the transfer of research and development (R&D) results, and which is integrated into the organizational structure of the University Institute of TBU in Zlín. Ensuring the industrial legal protection of R&D results and the implementation of the necessary steps leading to their commercialization is the subject of this specialized workplace at TBU. The development of TTC activities and services is in line with the needs of the region and regional partners and contributes to ensuring the functional transfer of the results of applied research activities into practice. In addition, TTC is an important link between TBU and industrial practice thanks to specialized services in the field of industrial legal protection, which it provides not only internally for TBU, but also for industrial entities – external partners or other interested parties, when it comes to providing consultations, processing research and assessments

    Since 2010, TTC TBU has concluded a total of 50 License Agreements and 45 Technology Transfer Agreements and supported 28 proof-of-concept projects.

    Innovative entrepreneurship training

    In 2023, TTC implemented the following seminars for TBU students and employees within the framework of STP:

    Based on the implementation of the 21+ University Strategic Plan Implementation Plan and the TBU Strategic Plan Implementation Plan Activities for 2023, an educational seminar „Optimization of the management of TBU’s intellectual property in Zlín in terms of ensuring its effective legal protection and effective commercialization“ was held on 24 October 2023, where 41 participants took part.
    One more seminar called „Solving intellectual property disputes“ took place on 14.11.2023 and was represented by 30 participants.

    The TTC team held an educational seminar on „Protection of intellectual property and dispute resolution“ for students of FMK TBU in Zlín. The seminar took place on 22 November 2023 at the FMK and a total of 29 students took part in the seminar.

    As part of preparations for the 4th public competition of the SIGMA program, Sub-goal 1: Support of „Proof of Concept“ activities in research organizations, a new directive SR/39/2023 Internal fund for the support of innovation activities was issued.

    Through TTC, STP plays an important role in the operation of the university within the activities of the region. The activities of TTC are directed to the area of applied research, industrial property protection, technology transfer and innovation. TTC is an important link between TBU and industrial practice.
    In 2023, TBU in Zlín, through the Technology Transfer Centre, participated in the IV. of the TRANSFERA TECHNOLOGY DAY 2023 competition, organized by the association. Two technologies (UNI, CPS) were nominated for the finals for TBU and solvers of the technologies received the Certificate „Finalist of TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY DAY 2023“, which is a sign of quality and will access to the utilization in practice, visibility and securing future financial support.

    TBU in Zlín, through TTC, participated in the competition for the INNOVATION OF THE YEAR 2023 Award, which has been announced regularly since 1996 by the Association of Innovative Business of the Czech Republic. The Innovation of the Year 2023 honorary award was won by the volleyball ball, whose construction and design proposal were solved with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic as part of the complex project Commercialization at Tomas Bata University in Zlín II (TP01010006). The project was asked and won for TBU through the Technology Transfer Centre which also deserved the transfer of the created knowledge from research to production. The company GALA a.s., Prostějov, became the manufacturer of the Volleyball ball based on the Agreement on the transfer of rights between TBU in Zlín and GALA a.s.

    Advisory services

    Through STP, TBU offers a whole range of applications
    a range of cooperation options – implementation of contractual research, solutions to joint applied research projects,
    development and innovation, realization of joint transfer projects of technical solutions
    and technological problems of practice, both in the form of commissioned research and in the form of using or renting equipment
    owned by TBU. In addition, STP offers and implements analysis and professional processing for industrial partners
    studies, optimization of technological processes, services of the Technology Transfer Center
    staff, securing the transfer of outputs from applied research created on TBU components and connecting TBU research teams in Zlín with representatives of the application sphere.

    In 2023, new chances for the cooperation with the application sphere were created thanks to the partnership within the related projects of the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (Epsilon, Théta, the Program of the National Center of Competence), as well as within projects of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, within the EU Structural Funds (OP VVV) and the Junior Grants Competition of the TBU in Zlín.

    Innovation infrastructure

    The Science and Technology Park (STP) at TBU in Zlín is aimed to support innovative companies, science, research and development activities through its services, which are provided here in wide range.
    STP TBU in Zlín offers above-standard equipped offices and laboratories, technical and social facilities, premises for seminars and workshops with a total area of 5,821 m2, certified clean premises of class „C“ with a professional guarantee of the services of the Internal Auditor according to ČSN EN ISO 13485 ed 2:2016 and the possibility of cooperation with scientific teams, modern facilitiy and a lucrative location in the center of Zlín.
    STP TBU in Zlín offers the services of a Footwear Testing Laboratory with international accreditation according to ČSN EN ISO /IEC 17025:2018 and services of the Locomotor Diagnostics Laboratory.

    The Science and Technology Park at TBU in Zlín is a member of the Society of Science and Technology Parks of the Czech Republic, z.s.
    and provides a comprehensive infrastructure to support innovative business in the Zlín region and its surroundings.

    Cooperation with universities

    Cross-sectoral cooperation of students and academic staff is supported both on nationally and internationally
    level. An example is cooperation within projects realization
    through Technological Agencies of the Czech Republic (Epsilon, Theta, Program of the National Center of Competence), as well as within projects of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, within the EU Structural Funds (OP VVV) and the Junior Grants Competition of the TBU in Zlín (JUNG). Research-oriented academic staff and students of doctoral study programs participated in the implementation of these projects into the industrial sphere and conversely – utilization of the response as impulses for further research. Foreign activities are included especially in cooperation on the preparation and realization of international projects supported by the European Commission (Horizon – TWIN, Horizon -SOLiD, Horizon -Stories).

  • Services provided to innovation companies

    by STP
    business plans
    technological advisory
    patent advisory
    certification advisory
    financing advisory
    legal advisory
    marketing advisory
    education (courses for enterpreneurs)
    by STP
    Technical services
    secretarial services
    telephone exchange
    telephone, fax
    text processing
    buffet, cantine
    conference space
    computer for technical usage
    access to data banks
    exhibition space
    by STP
    other forms

  • Service expenses

    STP service costs
    only according to actual costs
    only fixed payment tariff
    fixed payment and additional charge for use
    in lumps: rent, security, cleaning, phone, post
    Oher costs (p.a.)
    acc. to usage
    fixed CZK/m2
    Rent (p.a.)
    office space
    2604 vč. el.+sl.
    production space
    4464 vč. el.+sl.
    3384 vč. el.+sl.

  • Statistical data

    Rented area m2
    Land area
    3569 m2
    Built up park area
    2320 m2
    Utility area
    5821 m2
    – Rented area
    5821 m2
    = Remains for rent
    0 m2

  • Innovation companies

    BOREALIS 48582140
    Borealis is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions and a European front-runner in polyolefin recycling. In Europe, Borealis is a market leader in base chemicals and fertilizers.
    Borealis leverages its expertise in polyolefins and decades of experience to offer innovative and circular, value-added material solutions for key industries such as consumer products, energy, healthcare, infrastructure and mobility.

    Petr Vondráček
    Tel.: +420603482233

    9006 – Polymer chemistry

    25 – Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
    93 – Other service activities


    Chiromed group 49432681
    Since 2007, the company has been involved in the development, innovation and production of medical devices.
    Customers include eye clinics, reproductive medicine clinics, private gynecological clinics, professional cosmetic and regenerative facilities, veterinary clinics and private doctors.

    The company’s goal is to find the best product in cooperation with companies.

    Such a product meets not only general standards and criteria, such as quality, price and the necessary level of health protection, but above all individual requirements.
    The products are manufactured in clean rooms of cleanliness class ISO 7 according to the ISO 14 644 standard and in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 13485 ed. 2:2016.

    Ing. Tomáš Sáha, Ph.D.
    Tel.: +420 576 038 157

    0300 – Production and process engineering
    0700 – Medical and health engineering
    0704 – Medical equipment and systems
    0705 – Public Health
    1208 – High performance polymers
    1217 – Composite materials
    9007 – Fabrice from Plasticine

    25 – Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
    73 – Research and development
    93 – Other service activities


    JELÍNEK – TRADING 42339723
    The company was founded in 1991
    Brings raw materials back to life:

    purchase of raw materials
    production of regranulates
    sale of regranulates and compounds

    injection molding plant
    production of composters
    OP PIK project

    Jacob piping systems
    optical sorters
    magnetic separators
    metal detectors

    Accredited calibration laboratory according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018;
    calibration of gauges in the field of measuring length, plane angle and pressure,
    calibration of spirit levels, measuring tapes, radius or threaded templates.

    Ing. Otto Jelínek
    Tel.: +420 606 706 104

    9007 – Fabrice from Plasticine

    25 – Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
    37 – Recycling
    93 – Other service activities


    PRL Polymer Research Lab 29309239
    PRL examines the characteristics of polymer materials under application-focused quasistatic and dynamic load profiles. We acquire the current state of the art from science and industry from our network, which comprises universities, public and private research institutions and specialists from manufacturing industry with relevant know-how on a high scientific technical level. The development of methods and systems for characterising the mechanical properties of polymer materials is guaranteed by us in their entirety. We process this work from the initial technical discussion and problem specification, through scientific research and experimental preliminary examinations and drawing up suggestions for solutions, to the development and construction of a suitable measuring device, its production and the verification through experiments of functionality and results.
    Our mission has four fields of activity:
    – Research and development
    – Design and machine construction
    – Material tests
    – Training
    Research and development of new method, systems and equipment for physical material testing of polymeric materials with respect to the simulation of real loading conditions.

    doc. Dr.Ing. Radek Stoček
    Tel.: +420 576 038 010

    0300 – Production and process engineering
    0304 – Production and process engineering (other)
    0415 – Simulation technology

    72 – Computer and related activities
    73 – Research and development
    93 – Other service activities


    Röchling Industrial Tábor 26439441
    The Röchling Group shapes the industry. Worldwide. For more than 200 years. With our custom-made plastics, we change the everyday lives of many people – making cars lighter, medicine packaging safer and industrial applications better. Our 11,737 employees are always close to our customers at more than 90 locations in 25 countries. Our three divisions together generated an annual turnover of 2,603 million euros in 2022.

    Industrial division, Plastics for technical use. Offers a large selection of thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics for technical applications. Plastics are available in the form of semi-finished products such as plates, round, hollow and flat bars, profiles, as well as shaped castings and precision machined finished parts.

    Automotive division, improves mobility. And they do so with product solutions made from our material: plastic. To this end, it uses our expertise in the areas of battery solutions, lightweight structures, aerodynamics and propulsion. This makes driving lighter, safer and more climate-friendly.

    The Medical division is a trusted and preferred supplier and development partner of leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare companies worldwide. It designs and manufactures customized pharmaceutical packaging and drug delivery solutions, medical diagnostic consumables as well as sophisticated components and assemblies for medical devices under cleanroom conditions at six locations in Germany, the US and China.

    Jan Michalíček
    Tel.: +420 381 200 288

    0302 – Production and process engineering
    1200 – New materials
    9900 – Other

    45 – Construction
    93 – Other service activities

  • Subject:
    Pruef- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e. V.
    Type of cooperation:
    Description: Memorandum of cooperation in the field of transfer of technologies.
    IKAROS CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014623, KA06.
    Motivated by the interest on the cooperation each to other in the field of transfer of technologies, particularly in the field of commercialization of knowledge and technologies applied in the footwear industry, have entered this Memorandum
    Contact web:
    Contact e-mail:

    Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR
    Type of cooperation:
    Description: Memorandum of cooperation in the field of transfer of technologies.
    IKAROS CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014623, KA06.
    TBU in Zlín and CVTI SR, as participants in the memorandum, declare their interest in cooperation with the aim of supporting the transfer of knowledge as well as skills and technologies from the academic sphere into practice.
    Contact web:
    Contact e-mail:

    Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
    Type of cooperation:
    Description: Property right to the results of intellectual activity.
    Agreement on co-ownership of the subject of industrial property
    Agreement on co-ownership shares in the solution to the invention entitled „Modified carbon electrode with increased electrical conductivity and method of its production“, PV 2022-35″.
    Contact web:
    Contact e-mail:

    VUCHT a.s. Bratislava
    Type of cooperation:
    Description: Agreement on cooperation in research and use of project results.
    Agreement on cooperation in research and use of the results of the project „Development of biodegradable surfactants for inorganic fertilizers“.
    The subject of the contract is the regulation of the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties during their cooperation each to other on the research and development of the surface treatment agent for fertilizers, setting of the relationship to the inserted and created intellectual property, as well as the definition of the conditions of the commercial use of the project outputs
    Contact web:
    Contact e-mail:

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